How to Gain Confidence as a Female Solo Traveler

Archery in Mongolia

So you’ve never done a solo adventure before? Or maybe it’s been awhile since you ventured out on your own. Solo traveling, especially for women, can be a scary and daunting experience. But with these steps, you’ll gain the confidence to venture out on your first solo international adventure and will never be held back when a friend cancels again. 

Start small

Figure out where your current comfort level of solo adventuring is at and take it one step farther. Maybe right now the most you’re comfortable with is walking your dog around the corner or grabbing a coffee at your local shop while studying. And that’s totally fine! We all start somewhere and I think you will have a much better experience if you slowly build up your confidence, rather than jumping off the deep end (though that’s always an option).

If your current comfort level is grabbing a coffee by yourself, try going out for a meal, then maybe doing an activity whether its a hike or going to a museum by yourself. All of these experiences are exactly what you’ll be doing in a foreign country, but right now you’re doing it in an area you’re familiar with and you’ll gain more confidence.

Go for trips in your own country

You don’t always have to go on trips to exotic locations when solo adventuring. Instead, check out a national park or a new city in your home country. Traveling within your own borders can be an exciting experience and still introduce you to new cultures and experiences. My first solo adventure was to Washington D.C. and I met people from around the country and experienced so many new things during that trip. Years later when I did my first solo international trip, those same feelings, misgivings, and fears that I experienced before that trip came up, but I had the confidence to think “if I did D.C. by myself, I can do this!”

Despite popular opinion, you don’t always need to get a stamp on your passport to have a solo adventure

Go to a foreign country that is similar to yours

Don’t get me wrong, one of the things I love most about traveling is experiencing completely different cultures and opening my eyes to other parts of the world. However, for your first solo trip, try to pick a country where you will know the language and where the cultural shock may not be as severe. If you’re from the United States, try Canada or the United Kingdom instead of maybe India or Brazil.


Pick a destination that is known for being safe for women solo travelers

Knowing the country has received great reviews from other female travelers and consistently ranks high on the best countries for solo travelers will always give you a little bit more confidence to take this plunge. 

Some of my favorite countries would be Iceland, Switzerland, South Africa (specifically Cape Town), and Canada. All of these countries have a good reputation for solo travelers and are considered safe for female travelers.


Pick a group adventure

I know some people don’t consider group adventures, even if you’re going on it without knowing anyone, “solo travel”. But I do not agree with that statement. Part of the benefit of solo traveling is meeting new people and whether you do that in the hostel you’re staying at or on a group adventure it’s the same thing in my mind. 

But back to the point. Picking a prepared adventure will take away the stress that can come with planning your own solo travel trip. This year, Switzerland launched their 100% Women adventures which are run by women for women! Talk about the perfect solo adventure! This initiative is meant to encourage women to get outdoors with guided trips for everything from hiking to mountaineering to yoga. At all levels! I can’t imagine a better way to start your solo traveling journey than learning from other amazing women in the beautiful outdoors while in the shadow of the Matterhorn.

Where are you dying to go on your solo adventure? Let me know in the comments!